No Problem Darling

It all started as a studygroup for the subject: New Product Development. We gave NPD a new definition No Problem Darling. It stuck with us our entire college time, we used the phrase, to support each other and lift our spirits. The funny thing is that the both of us we succeeded in New Product Development but dropped out in our second year.

While we were searching our purpose, we remained good friends and discovered that both of us wanted to be entrepreneurs and make products with our art. Naturally, we decided to join forces, once again supporting each other through the process of making our dreams come true.

NP darling isn’t only to lift our spirits, it’s there for you too! We hope to bring validation for every feeling you come across in life. We got you darling!

  • Artist

    I grew up enjoying anime, manga, novels, and games. I love drawing too since I was little but never thought about pursuing it seriously.
    After I began streaming and watched more art streamers I was inspired to pursue drawing professionally.
    Next to improving my skills and experimenting art-wise, I hope my art creates a smile and a bit of happiness. <3

  • Artist

    At 2.5 years, while watching Dragonball Z, I realised my love for drawing. I grew up watching anime and playing games couldn’t shake the urge to create stories that inspire people like those inspired me. Over the years I cultivated a lot of ideas and my ambition grew, however I struggled to get things off the ground. Nonetheless I never gave up on them. Check my socials to see more projects I work on!


We love cons! Especially the artist alleys. We have a little dream to join them and make a lot of art friends. We plan to display some con-exclusive products next to our regular items.
Keep an eye on this page and our Instagram for updates so you know when you can catch us on a con.